“Honey, could you pay the electric bill?” “Honey, please pick up dinner.” “Honey, can you clean the garbage can?” Do these requests sound familiar? A “honey-do” list is an assortment of tasks that you delegate to your partner. They are usually simple little chores around the house.
Having a well-maintained home requires teamwork. A honey-do list comes about when one spouse feels overwhelmed with the mountain of tasks. Unfortunately, when you add all of the tasks up, your family spends countless hours on chores every week. With hectic schedules filled with work, school, activities, and clubs, there is little time left for fun!
There is an answer to one the yuckiest, smelliest, tasks on the honey-do list. Here at We Wash, we do it for you. We are a locally-owned trash and recycling can wash service with an environmental-friendly approach to cleaning and disinfecting your trashcan. All you do is leave your empty can at the end of your driveway and we do the rest!
Best of all, it is affordable. You get 1 can washed once a month for just $10! Also, rest assured that all the grime and odor will be washed away and properly disposed. Contact us today using our contact us form or via telephone at 219-510-5316.