Environmentally Friendly Trash Cleaning Services
Our system encourages the responsible recycling of waste materials. By cleaning your waste containers you will be making a positive impact on our environment. It has been proven that recycling program effectiveness is in direct correlation to how pleasant the recycling experience is. Keeping waste containers clean, we promote active participation in recycling by everyone.
The cleaning process used by We Wash is completely environmentally friendly! Our mobile units use a hypoallergenic and green-certified solution delivered in combination with a powerful stream of hot water. This solution leaves a natural, pleasant scent without the use of harsh chemical fragrances. Additionally, all waste water is disposed of safely at a locally-approved treatment facility.
What We Do
Our Services
Trash and recycling cans are breeding grounds for fungi and bacteria like Listeria, E. Coli, salmonella and staph. Residential trash contains a feast of liquid and food waste to attract flies, maggots, rats, and other unwanted pests. When stuck-on trash and liquid residue remain after the trash has been picked up, the problem only multiplies, adding the bonus of unpleasant odors.
Businesses have trash and recycling cans that are breeding grounds for fungi and bacteria like Listeria, E. Coli, salmonella and staph. Business container host a feast of liquid and food waste to attract flies, maggots, rats, and other unwanted pests. When stuck-on trash and liquid residue remain after the trash has been picked up, the problem only multiplies, adding the bonus of unpleasant odors.
Food Service
Food service businesses have special challenges keeping their trash containers clean and odor-free. Food industry trash containers can easily become breeding grounds for harmful germs, fungi, and bacteria like Listeria, E. Coli, salmonella, and staph. Without regular professional cleaning, moisture, food, and bacteria will accumulate and attract ants, flies, maggots, and roaches as well as other, larger pests.
Municipal and large-contract clients receive bulk rates and are provided with both complete tracking / documentation of participation and the educational materials shared with customers. MS4 customers can benefit from documentation generated quarterly or annually as needed to assist in meeting the reporting requirements of the Indiana Department of Environment Management (IDEM).